Comprehensive Juice Therapy (Professional Course Overview)


Juice therapy is the practice of drinking nutrient-rich juices from fruits and vegetables. It is thought to detoxify the body, boost immune function, and support weight loss.

This course will help you to learn the ‘how’, in terms of a specific juicing diet. It can be taken as a gradual change to your lifestyle, or culminates in a full week juicing cleanse.

Basics of Juice Therapy

Juice guru juicing courses is a form of detox that involves drinking fresh-pressed fruits and vegetable juices. These liquids are said to help cleanse the body and provide nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, enzymes, and natural sugars. Juice therapy also has a long history of use in treating illness and disease. Proponents believe that the absence of solid food allows the digestive system to rest so that the body can focus on healing itself.

In the 1940s, a German doctor named Max Gerson developed the Gerson Therapy. He believed that diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis result from a buildup of toxic materials in the blood and tissues. He designed a diet that required drinking low-salt organic fruit and vegetable juice every hour and used coffee enemas several times a day to flush the liver and ease pain. The therapy reportedly produced positive results for people suffering from cancer, tuberculosis and other chronic illnesses.

Many juice therapy programs involve replacing meals with juices for a limited period of time. However, a long-term juice diet can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Replacing full meals with juices for extended periods can remove important dietary fiber and healthy fat, which are crucial to the body’s function. It is best to practice juice therapy alongside a well-balanced diet or under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.

A basic definition of juice therapy is a short-term fast that severely restricts calories, labels certain foods as “unhealthy” and may include juices made from compliant fruits, vegetables, nut milks and other liquids. These programs can be triggering for those recovering from disordered eating and are not recommended during pregnancy or while nursing.

The juicing industry has grown significantly over the last decade, with many companies offering pre-made juices or providing guidelines for home juicing. Some offer a variety of recipes or health goals for consumers to follow, while others focus on detoxification and weight loss. Those who are interested in juice therapy should consult a licensed dietitian, nutritionist or naturopathic doctor for guidance. They should also consult their healthcare provider if they have any existing health conditions.

Advanced Juice Therapy

The juices extracted from fruits and vegetables are incredibly nutritious and are used as powerful health remedies. They contain a high concentration of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that support detoxification, improve digestion, boost immune function and promote weight loss. Proponents of juice therapy believe it can help with various conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses, by improving the body’s ability to heal itself and manage symptoms.

There are several different types of juice therapies, ranging from a simple fruit and vegetable juice to the extreme Gerson diet. The Gerson diet is a regimented eating plan that requires patients to drink 13 glasses of fresh, organic juice per day. It aims to rid the body of toxins, and supporters say it can treat many diseases by restoring normal metabolic function. Some people who follow the Gerson diet are able to eliminate the need for prescription medications and other treatments, while others experience dramatic improvement in their health.

Juice cleanses, or juice fasts, are short-term dietary practices that involve replacing meals with fruit and vegetable juices. They can provide a variety of benefits, including detoxification, improved digestive function, better sleep, potential weight reduction and an opportunity to prioritize health. However, they also remove essential nutrients from the diet, such as dietary fiber and healthy fats, which are important for overall health. If they are done in place of well-balanced meals, juice cleanses can be harmful and should only be used under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.

As a Certified Juice Therapist, you will learn to use the magnificent healing properties of natural juices and their extracts. You will teach clients how to incorporate juice into their daily lives as a way to strengthen nutrient intake, support detoxification, improve digestion and promote healthy weight loss while boosting energy levels. In addition, you will gain the business skills necessary to thrive in the crowded wellness space, allowing you to build a successful career doing what you love.

Nutritional Therapy

Juice therapy involves consuming juices made from fruits and vegetables to promote health and wellness. Proponents of this holistic approach believe that juicing removes the fibrous pulp, leaving a concentrated dose of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants. They claim that the resulting nutrient-rich juices cleanse the body, boost immunity, aid in detoxification and weight loss, improve digestion and increase energy levels. They also claim that juices can help manage a wide range of chronic diseases.

In some cases, juices are used to replace whole meals for short periods of time. However, it’s essential to eat a balanced diet and consult with a health practitioner before beginning any juice therapy program, especially for individuals who have underlying medical conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding. Replacing meals with juices over the long-term may lead to nutrient deficiencies, especially if the juices are sweetened.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. Raw vegetable and fruit juices contain an abundance of vitamins, food enzymes, mineral salts, trace elements, amino acids and natural sugars, which can all support optimal health. Additionally, proponents of juice therapy claim that the high levels of alkaline elements in some fruits and vegetables can balance out the acidic elements found in meat and processed foods.

As part of comprehensive Juice Therapy, a trained nutritional therapist will consider the specific dietary needs and health goals of each client and work with them to achieve their unique dietary objectives. This can include recommending changes to food, dietary supplements and lifestyle habits. It can also involve advising clients on how to incorporate juices into their daily routine.

At Carrara Treatment, we understand that the way we eat can have a profound impact on our mental health. That’s why we pay meticulous attention to nutrition during the course of our programs. Our nourishing juices and smoothies are an integral component of our holistic healing approach and serve to nourish and support our clients in their journey to recovery. To learn more about the benefits of nutritional therapy, please contact us today.

Holistic Therapy

Juice therapy is a diet that incorporates the consumption of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. Proponents claim that the nutrient-rich liquid can help detoxify, boost immune function, improve digestion and promote weight loss. It may be used to treat specific medical conditions such as cancer or for overall health. In addition to juicing, some therapists may incorporate holistic techniques into their practice.

Holistic therapies aim to align all parts of the body in order to create balance and well-being. This may involve incorporating yoga, meditation or breathing exercises into treatment. Some practitioners may also use reiki, a type of energy healing where the therapist moves “stagnant energy” in the patient’s body with their hands. Others may use other alternative treatments such as massage, aromatherapy and acupuncture.

Most therapists who specialize in holistic therapy have advanced degrees and certifications in their fields. Some have a background in nutrition, naturopathy or integrative medicine. They may have additional training in juice therapy, holistic health coaching or specific juice cleanse programs. They may also have a license to practice psychotherapy.

In general, holistic therapists will work with patients on an individual basis to assess their current physical, emotional and spiritual state of being. They will then develop a personalized treatment plan that incorporates both traditional talk therapy and holistic techniques. Some therapists who specialize in holistic techniques may also be known by other titles, such as clinical psychologist or marriage and family therapist.

Many people who seek holistic therapy are concerned about the way their mind, body and spirit connect to each other. They believe that if one part of their lives is out of alignment, it will manifest as problems in other areas. During holistic therapy, the therapist will try to bring all aspects of a person’s life into alignment, including their diet.