The use of marijuana or cannabis for medical purposes is now legal in 33 states. Eleven states have also declared marijuana as legal for recreational use. This legalization of marijuana use has seen significant increases in its...
The latest research shows that more than 33% of individuals who are recovering from addiction continue to experience chronic physical illnesses. Many of us know the addiction effects but few understand the aftermath. When uses excessively, alcohol and...
Davis professor Bruce Hammock of the University of California has spent 50 years studying insects. He would probably not be the most probable Ph.D. to shake up the multibillion-dollar painkiller prescription industry. Nevertheless, he has created a...
Alcohol has various effects on our bodies. There are alleged advantages as well as pitfalls. It causes instant physiological changes among other organs in the brain, heart, and liver once it enters your system. Eventually, if you...
Among the most misunderstood factors of drug addiction is its biological basis. Addiction is a neurological condition - a problem because of irreparable changes to an individuals head chemistry which requires medical treatment. Overcoming substance abuse is...